
Articles and CSF Mentions

icon “Kids and Money”:  Kids and Money: Readers weigh in with money savvy suggestions

December 27, 2023

CSF Chair Vivian Tsai offered advice on how parents can model good savings behavior to show children how to save for long term goals like college; save for big-ticket items, and spending or philanthropy - and then modeling that behavior.  Read More Continue Reading...


Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:  ‘Tis the season — to gift cash for college savings plans?”

December 18, 2023

Tim Grant interviewed CSF Chair Vivian Tsai on the popularity of 529 gifting programs and why they are catching on as ways for parents to engage friends and family in long-term savings goals. Read More Continue Reading...


Real Wealth Radio: SECURE 2.0 and What Gen Z Wants in Higher Ed

December 15, 2023

Vivian Tsai spoke at length with Real Wealth founder Jim Silbernagel on the flexibility of 529s and the opportunity to rollover leftover 529 funds into a Roth IRA "to invest in a loved one's future." They also discussed what Gen Zs expect in the college experience, how they are paying for it, Continue Reading...


CSF Chair Vivian Tsai talks with The Broadcast Retirement Network

November 29, 2023

Learn more about giving the gift of education for the holiday season. CSF Chair, Vivian Tsai, talks with Jeffrey Snyder on The Broadcast Retirement Network. Vivian talks about the increase in parents' contributes to a college savings plan over the last few years and how it makes an excellent gift. Continue Reading...


“Let’s Talk Money” – WRNE-AM

August 31, 2023

Robert Hill, Host of WRNE-AM's "Let's Talk Money" interviewed CSF Chair Viviian Tsai on Youth Survey and 529s, covering the value of 529s for a wide array of higher education options, and how high school students are saving, working and paying for them. Continue Reading...


Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Tim Grant interviewed CSF Chair Vivian Tsai in a Sunday Business feature on CSF’s 14th Annual Youth Survey, in “Shift in perspective: High school students embrace college post pandemic” sharing key findings from the survey.

August 14, 2023

Shift in perspective: High school students embrace college post-pandemic TIM GRANTPittsburgh The four-year college experience is back in style — according to a recent national survey. Washington, D.C.-based College Savings Foundation’s 14th annual survey of 1,000 high school students suggests that pandemic-era sentiments have shifted: Students now say they Continue Reading...


Steve Rosen’s Kids and Money column at the Tribune, “Dream on — Students shed light on ideal college experience” shared findings from CSF’s 14th Annual Youth survey on what high school students want in higher ed, along with how they are working and saving to pay for it.  

August 9, 2023

Kids and Money: Dream on — Students shed light on ideal college experience When asked about their ideal college experience, high school students responded in a recent survey that it would entail solid degree credentials, greater access to clubs and recreational sports, and opportunities to network, writes Steve Rosen. (Dreamstime/TNS) Continue Reading...


HTV-10 Louisiana

March 30, 2023

Host Keith Weisheit featured CSF Chair Vivian Tsai in two seven-minute segments on the value of 529s, how they can be used for a variety of career schools and certificates, and how they are flexible among family and friends. Continue Reading...


WWL-FM (CBS Radio)

March 29, 2023

CBS radio host Tommy Tucker interviewed CSF Chair Vivian Tsai for 13 minutes live on the role of CSF in helping parents save for higher education, how 529s work and how they can be used to fund higher ed tuition and expenses for the entire family, Continue Reading...


WVUE-TV, Fox8 Morning News Show

March 29, 2023

CSF Chair Vivian Tsai was interviewed live for a story on CSF's Conference in New Orleans, the value of 529s and how they can help parents as well as students fund education throughout a lifetime. Continue Reading...

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